Introduction to Nature's Notebook Citizen Science Project

        Nature's Notebook is a citizen science project conducted by the USA National Phenology Network (USANPN). This project exists so that researchers and scientists are better able to predict threats to humans and the environment (Nature's Notebook, 2018). Threats may include wildfires, droughts, or flooding. Being knowledgable of these processes helps people decide the timing of certain events such as irrigating land and holding controlled burns (Nature's Notebook, 2018). Additionally, the USANPN uses the information from its citizen science observations in order to inform policy change (Nature's Notebook, 2018)
    As part of my role as a citizen scientist, I will be making observations of different plant and animal species in my area and reporting them back to Nature's Notebook. Currently, USANPN is especially interested in gathering observations of dogwoods, maples, poplars, invasive shrubs, and nectar plants. Fortunately, living in Central Virginia gives me access to these particular species. Nature's Notebook provides observers with observation sheets, manuals, and other supplies to assist with observing. Also, they make it really easy to report findings using either their mobile app or website. I am currently planning to observe whitetail deer, wild turkeys, different species of honeysuckle, eastern gray squirrels, eastern cottontails, red maples, loblolly pines, Bradford pears, and poison ivy as these are all abundant around my home. 
     Nature's Notebook indirectly addresses several conservation threats such as climate change, habitat destruction, and inefficient policies. Climate change can have widespread impact on plant animal species. It has been well documented that climate change will likely affect future weather patterns and increase the intensity and frequency of natural disasters (EPA, 2017). An increase in natural disasters will destroy habitats and harm or kill species who are unable to flee from the impacted area. Additionally, the atmospheric temperature warming that is associated with climate change can alter where species can and cannot survive, thus changing habitat and locations of certain species (EPA, 2017b). According to the Environmental Protection Agency, warming may alter seasonal life cycles and lead to changes in reproduction timing, migration timing, range shifts, food web disruptions, and increase instances of pathogens, parasites, and diseases (EPA, 2017b). Additionally, warming temperatures may increase instances and the magnitude of invasive species because they will be able to live and thrive in areas that were previously not suited for their survival (Primack, 2014). Nature's Notebook addresses these impacts by collecting detailed observations of animal's locations, mating patterns, eating habits, and other observable characteristics. Using this information, the USANPN can better understand the impact that climate change is having on certain species. 
    In addition to climate change, Nature's Notebook also addresses habitat destruction and human threats to plant and animal species. As with climate change, invasive species may also spread as a result of habitat destruction and fragmentation. This is because invasive species are sometimes better able to survive in disturbed conditions than their native counterparts (Primack, 2014). Again, Nature's notebook is able to track the location and density of both native and invasive species based on citizen science observations. Furthermore, Nature's Notebook addresses human impacts and habitat destruction by tracking plant animal species and taking note of areas where a species inhabited historically, but is no longer found. Additionally, Nature's Notebook can compare their data with other indices that track human impact on species. According to Vackar et al., these indices include the Living Plant Index, Red List Index, Marine Trophic Index, Natural Capital Index, Biodiversity Intactness Index, and Index of Biotic Integrity (2012). USANPN can use the information they have gathered from their observations and the aforementioned indices in order to better target conservation efforts and policy needs. 
     Last but not least, Nature's Notebook addresses threats to conservation via policy. The USANPN uses the data collected from its citizen scientists in order to advocate for more stringent conservation. This could mean expansion of protected areas or the inclusion of a species to be covered by the Endangered Species Act (ESA). 
Web Address of Nature's Notebook: 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2017a). Understanding the link between climate change and extreme 
      weather. Retrieved from 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2017b). Climate impacts on ecosystems. Retrieved from 

Nature's Notebook. (2018). Why observe? Retrieved from 

Primack, R. (2014). Essentials of conservation biology: Chapter 10. Sixth Edition. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer

Vačkář, D., ten Brink, B., Loh, J., Baillie, J., & Reyers, B.(2012). Review of multispecies indices for monitoring 
      human impacts on biodiversity. Ecological indicators, 17, 58-67.doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.04.024


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